Here is the link on the AUK website:
and in the CAA website:
and the text:
Graphic Design Program
Graphic Design (Position Code No. 11-201- AUKWEB12): The Graphic Design Program at AUK, Division of Arts and Humanities is seeking candidates for full time Assistant Professor of Graphic Design positions to begin August 2012. The successful candidates will be expected to teach graphic design core and foundation courses at all levels in a developing undergraduate BA degree program. They will also be expected to contribute in their area of specialization in one or more of the following areas: digital media, graphic design history and/or photography. Candidates should be comfortable teaching undergraduates in a multi-cultural context with a focus in foundations. Other responsibilities include: engage in research, serve as an academic advisor to Graphic Design majors, contribute to curriculum and program assessment and development. Candidates must have a graduate degree in graphic design (MFA), teaching experience as well as a demonstrated record of professional design practice recognized through publications, exhibitions or equivalent. Interested candidates should submit a completed application as stated above in addition to 10-20 examples of personal work and 10-20 examples of student work.
Application Instructions:
Application packages are to be submitted electronically to (attachments must not exceed 10 MB per e-mail). The package should contain the following:
1) Cover letter, detailing the candidate's specific interest in AUK,
and how the candidate's past experience provides a suitable basis for
performance in the position for which they are applying;
2) A current CV;
3) Statement on research and service and statement of teaching
methodology, including curricular development that the individual has
initiated and executed;
4.) Copies of teaching evaluations;
5) The names and addresses, both electronic and postal, of three referees;
6) Two recent publications /two writing samples;
(For large items such as books, please send hardcopies to the Academic Dean's Office)
Academic Dean's Office,
American University of Kuwait,
Salem Al Mubarak Street,
Opposite Salmiya Palace Hotel,
Salmiya, Kuwait ).
In completing your application, please quote position code number.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. The deadline for
receiving applications is February 1, 2012.